Monday, April 16, 2018

Hints on fixing Font embedding problem for IEEE conferences using TexnicCenter

I have just found the question in many forums: I'm getting the error "A PDF font is not embedded", and What can I do about this? So I would like to give the short answer for this issue which is presented as follows. Here this remedy is used for TexnicCenter and MikTex 2.9.

1. Define a new build profile.


2. Change the arguments for Latex-compiler use, BibTex and MakeIndex.

3. Change the arguments for Postprocessors including DviPs (PDF) and ps2pdf .
It may be not clear for the ps2pdf use, so I write the arguments down.

-dMaxSubsetPct#100 -dSubsetFonts#true -dEmbedAllFonts#true -dPDFSETTINGS#/printer -sPAPERSIZE#a4 "" "%bm.pdf"

So now you are all set to go. Just run the compilation and check the fonts.
In the case, it still does not work. Please try to add some of packages such as fontenc, helvet, luximono and etc.


If it still does not work again, we may use one of the followings.
1. Using the Adobe Acrobat XI to fix i.
2. Using the traditional print to Adobe PDF file, where we reconfigure option of using the system fonts instead of document fonts.
3. Using 2 steps prints: At first, print to Adobe PDF file by using Adobe Acrobat, then print the resulted file by using the Acrobat Reader.

I may return to these methods, if I have a time.

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